For your next deposition, trial, or arbitration, would you like to have what many attorneys are referring to as an instant (and sometimes critical) advantage? Then you might want to have that deposition, trial, or arbitration reported realtime.
What is realtime? Well, quite simply, realtime reporting is where the reporter’s shorthand machine is connected to a notebook computer that is running software that instantaneously translates the reporter’s steno into English. The notebook computer is then hooked up to your computer on which you are running a program (such as LiveNote) that enables you to view, scroll back and forth, and even search the instant transcript.
And what are the advantages of realtime? Well, the following are just a few of the advantages that actual attorneys have found using realtime:
● You instantly see the question and the answer and thus instantly know whether you’ve captured the evidence you want on the record, including all the nuances. Thus, there’s no more waiting to receive a transcript only to see that you didn’t quite get the answer you thought you did. Now with realtime you can almost instantly rephrase and fine-tune questions so that your record will definitely include the testimony you need, including valuable testimony for purposes of impeachment.
● Because you can scroll back and even search the instant record, you no longer have to rely on just your notes to know what was covered earlier. A quick search that takes just seconds can show you definitively what ground you’ve covered.
● If you’re using LiveNote or a similar program, you can actually highlight (in multiple colors) and annotate the copy of the record that appears on your computer. You can also categorize and issue‑code testimony as it occurs. Thus, you can leave a day’s proceedings not only with a draft transcript, but also with a draft transcript that is a tool that will shorten your future preparation. Realtime gives time back to you.
Sound good? Would you like to learn more or even schedule a realtime reporter? Well, just call 907-337-2221 to meet all your realtime reporting needs.
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